Real Relationships Real Role Models Real Life

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Lakeside Student Ministries is designed to create opportunities for real life, real people and a real God to meet.  This Fall, we are launching LSM to create rhythms for students to meet, form friendships and take next steps in a relationship with Jesus.  Here are a few things we want you to know.

You Matter.  You Belong.

Our goal at LSM gatherings is to create environments where students can experience, know and believe two crucial elements for navigating life today… and the years ahead: You Matter and You Belong.  We want students to know they Matter to God and they Belong.  These are core to taking first or next steps in faith with Jesus.  Together we seek to share life, pursue Jesus and change the world.

Student Ministries

Each month, students from grades 6-12 are invited to gatherings and events on our LSM calendar.  Our goal for each month is to offer one experience (adventure, service, etc.) that our students are confident about inviting a friend to and one experience that engages the areas of life and faith that middle school and high school students face every day.  We want to equip students to be every day disciples of Jesus in their everyday lives.  Find events and info on our student ministry webpage.

Upper Room

The Upper Room is monthly gathering of students who are committed to digging deeper into the readings and teachings of the Bible.  Each month, the Upper Room will be hosted in a home where students and leaders will share a meal together, engage in an interactive teaching and share life with one another. This is a discipleship journey invites students to grow in three ways: Up—In—Out.  We encourage and challenge students to know God (UP) through the intentional study of the Bible, grow IN a deeper relationship with Jesus and live OUT the way of life Jesus calls us to (Mt 28:19-20)

The Upper Room is designed to be a 3 year discipleship journey where students will explore central themes of the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments with the focus of making disciples who make disciples.  A year commitment to the Upper Room is required.

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”  2 Peter 3:18