Women's Bible Study - Book: Relaxed
Wednesday, December 18th | Nancy Turnblad’s Home| 6:00-8:00p
Women of Lakeside we are going to wrap up our last Wednesday of this study with a little Christmas celebration prior to our study. Nancy has offered to host a light snack and some holiday drinks from 6-6:30p we will start our study at 6:30p. Please join as we wrap up
Study of a Key Bible Passage: Proverbs 3:5-6
Dallas Willard had this great response once when asked if he could describe Jesus in one word. He sat back, took a breath, and responded: "Relaxed." As we know through Scripture, for Jesus to come across as relaxed doesn't mean He didn't grieve or get angry or feel the weight of the world on His shoulders; it meant He was never in a hurry to be anywhere other than where He was, trusting and obeying His Father's Way.
Relax . . . Does this word describe your life? It can. And for those in Christ, it will. So what are you waiting for? Join Megan Marshman and walk slowly toward (and with) the relaxed life of Jesus. What do you have to lose? You’ll find out that it's everything you've been hoping to lose all along.